
The network focuses on exchanging important experiences and scientific findings regarding the topic of participatory processes and the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in out of home care. Therefore, professionals and researchers from all around the globe are welcome to join the network.

The network is conceived as a kind of “think tank”. It provides a platform for latest research findings, new ideas and running projects to support the participation of children and young people in out-of-home care. Practitioners as well as researchers are invited to open new perspectives and exchange different knowledge and experiences.

The objectives include initiating innovative projects or gaining knowledge about innovative projects that are relevant to one’s own practice and research. Shared projects can be at different levels, e.g. practice-based projects as well as scientific projects with a theorizing background.

The network allows participants to take different and critical perspectives on one’s own research and practice within an appreciative climate. Furthermore, the perspective of experts by experience shall be included in an appropriate way.


Meetings will be held every year to exchange views on current issues, developments, and projects. The network will provide space and time for exchange of ideas and opinions between members. Inputs will be given to address new developments or to discuss problematic practices, terms and conditions.

If more frequent meetings are desired, this is possible and feasible. The network thrives on the ideas and participation of its members.


The network is internationally organized because a comparative perspective is becoming increasingly important with the implementation of the UN CRC. It is linked to EUSARF and at the same time open to other organisations and networks, such as FICE or human rights institutes worldwide, organisations in the NGO sector for which this topic is relevant (e.g. SOS Children’s Villages, etc.).

The focus of the network is on exchanging ideas, findings, innovative studies and good practices. The network does not exclude any interested persons because of their organisational affiliations. Although organisational affiliations play an important role for professionals as well as researchers the idea of exchanging ideas and creating projects to support the implementation of children´s rights is the main focus.